--The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot (Click to Read)
This medication is one of the oldest, hardest hitting player against Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders.
But at what price?
I was offered Prolixin as a substitute for the $59.95 medication I had wanted earlier.
It seems to be a great trade. Only $8.00 for a ride on this psychotrophic philly.
Prolixin carries an even greater risk of producing extrapyramidal side effects in the patient than Haldol does.
Let's talk about extrapyramidal disorders. Extrapyramidal disorders are movement disorders such as Tardive Dyskenisia, Akathisia and pseudoParkinsons. They range in effects from akinesia, the inability to move, to akathisia, the inability to remain motionless. They are extremely painful. The pain of movement is electrical and excruciating. Small rapid movements of the fingers, rapid blinking, uncontrollable mouth movements, the thrashing of your arms and legs are all terrible consequences of this drug. Unbelievably, Prolixin is STRONGER than the beast Haldol, which I personally find amazing.
Now these symptoms are not rare and segregated to a few unlucky lasses and lads, oh no-- these symptoms are COMMON. The likelyhood of having permanent Tardive Dyskenisia increases with each year you take an antipsychotic. Females are at a higher risk than males. No matter what your therapist tells you, there is no known cure for Tardive Dyskenisia. These symptoms just rip your body apart and ravage you until you are nothing but a bundle of painful nerves and muscles, contracting painfully and eternally.
Take your treatment into your own hands: Focus; learn, and question. Leave nothing to chance with psychotrophic drugs. Save yourself, save your children, your nephew, your parent from enduring the Hell of everlasting twitches and jerks, pacing until a track is worn into the carpet, nights full of flexing fingers and frightening pain. Be your own advocate. Always wear that big heart of yours on your sleeve. Always inform and help. There is no shame in knowledge-- only power and safety.
© Megan Snider
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